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Horomoi-ohashi Bridge

Photograph source:Taisei Co.

Structure name Horomoi-ohashi Bridge
Structure type PC 3-span continuous box girder bridge
Structural factors Length of bridge 170.0m
Span length 52.5m+63.0m+52.5m
Client Muroran Deparement of Public Works Management, Iburi General Subprefectural Bureau,Hokkaido Goverment
Contractor Taisei Co.

Muroran city

Route name Murorankanjyo line,Principal Prefetural Road
Completion date 1973

This bridge was the first example of the use of the incremental launching method in Japan. It was constructed by the Leonhardt incremental launching method, based on the VSL method using the main cable as the outside cable.

Reference:「Concrete Bridges in Hokkaido Vol1」(Association for Civil Engineering Technology of Hokkaido Concrete Research Committee)